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Creating a codegen pipeline🔗

Pipelines are defined in YAML files usually named cog.yaml.

A typical pipeline will revolve around three main blocks:

  • inputs: a list of schemas from which code will be generated
  • transformations: modifications made by cog to the types described by the schemas and/or the builders it will generate. This block is optional.
  • output: what should be generated, where, and in which language(s)
# yaml-language-server: $schema=

debug: true

# `inputs` describes a list of schemas used by the pipeline to generate code.
inputs: []

# `transformations` is optional and holds transformations to apply to schemas
# and/or builders.
  schemas: []

  builders: []

# `output` configures what will be generated by cog, where, and in which
# languages.
  directory: './generated/%l'

  types: true
  builders: true
  converters: true
  api_reference: true

  languages: []
Recommended: configuration validation and auto-complete

In order to help with configuring codegen pipelines, a schema for cog.yaml files is provided. If your editor supports YAML schema validation, it is definitely recommended to set it up:

  1. Install vscode-yaml for YAML language support.
  2. Add the schema under the yaml.schemas key in your user or workspace settings.json:

      "yaml.schemas": {
        "": "cog.yaml"
  1. Ensure your editor of choice has support for YAML schema validation.
  2. Add the following lines at the top of cog.yaml:

    # yaml-language-server: $schema=

Example pipeline🔗

The following pipeline takes the schema exposed by cog to describe pipelines, and generates types as well as builders from it in Go and Typescript:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=

debug: true

# `inputs` describes a list of schemas used by the pipeline to generate code.
  - jsonschema:
      package: codegen

# `output` configures what will be generated by cog, where, and in which
# languages.
  directory: './generated/%l'

  types: true
  builders: true

    - go:
        package_root: ''
    - typescript: {}

You can run it yourself with:

cog generate --config cog.yaml

Built-in parameters🔗

The following parameters are defined by cog and can be used within pipelines:

  • %__config_dir%: refers to the directory containing the codegen pipeline.
  • %__current_dir%: refers to current working directory (the directory from which the cog binary was invoked).


Pipeline can rely on an arbitrary number of inputs, in any of schema languages described below.


A pipeline can mix inputs defined in different schema languages.


  - cue:
      # Directory containing the CUE files to parse.
      # Required.
      entrypoint: '%__config_dir%/schemas/cue_module'

      # Decorates the parsed cue Value with an envelope whose name is given.
      # This is useful for dataqueries for example, where the schema doesn't
      # define any suitable top-level object.
      forced_envelope: envelope_name

      # Package name to use for the input schema. If empty, it will be guessed
      # from the entrypoint.
      package: package_name

      # `cue_imports` allows importing additional libraries.
      # Format: [path]:[import]. Example: '../grafana/
        - 'path/to/'

      # List of object names that will be allowed when parsing the input schema.
      # Note: if the list is empty/not specifiec, no filter is applied.
        - ObjectName
        - OtherObjectName

      # List of paths to files containing schema transformations to apply to
      # this input.
        - '%__config_dir%/transformations/schemas/cue_module.yaml'

JSON schema🔗

  - jsonschema:
      # Path to a JSONSchema file.
      # Required if `url` is empty.
      path: '%__config_dir%/schemas/jsonschema.json'

      # URL to a JSONSchema file.
      # Required if `path` is empty.
      url: ''

      # Package name to use for the input schema. If empty, it will be guessed
      # from the entrypoint.
      package: package_name

      # List of object names that will be allowed when parsing the input schema.
      # Note: if the list is empty/not specifiec, no filter is applied.
        - ObjectName
        - OtherObjectName

      # List of paths to files containing schema transformations to apply to
      # this input.
        - '%__config_dir%/transformations/schemas/jsonschema.yaml'


  - openapi:
      # Path to a OpenAPI file.
      # Required if `url` is empty.
      path: '%__config_dir%/schemas/openapi.json'

      # URL to a OpenAPI file.
      # Required if `path` is empty.
      url: ''

      # Package name to use for the input schema. If empty, it will be guessed
      # from the entrypoint.
      package: package_name

      # Disables the validation of the OpenAPI spec.
      # Default: false
      no_validate: false

      # List of object names that will be allowed when parsing the input schema.
      # Note: if the list is empty/not specifiec, no filter is applied.
        - ObjectName
        - OtherObjectName

      # List of paths to files containing schema transformations to apply to
      # this input.
        - '%__config_dir%/transformations/schemas/openapi.yaml'


  # Path to a directory in which the generated code will be written.
  # Note: `%l` refers to the language name and means that the code for each
  # language will be written in its own sub-directory.
  directory: './generated/%l'

  # Generate types.
  types: true

  # Generate builders.
  builders: true

  # Generate converters.
  converters: true

  # Generate a markdown API reference.
  api_reference: true

  # List of languages to generate code for.
  languages: []


  # …

    - go:
        # Root path for imports.
        # Required.
        package_root: ''

        # Controls the generation of `UnmarshalJSONStrict()` methods on types.
        # Default: false
        generate_strict_unmarshaller: true

        # Controls the generation of `Equal()` methods on types.
        # Default: false
        generate_equal: true

        # Controls the generation of `Validate()` methods on types.
        # Default: false
        generate_validate: true

        # Instructs cog to emit `interface{}` instead of `any`.
        # Default: false
        any_as_interface: true

        # Disables runtime-related code generation.
        # Note: builders can NOT be generated with this flag turned on, as they
        # rely on the runtime to function.
        # Default: false
        skip_runtime: false

        # List of directories containing templates describing files to be added
        # to the generated output.
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/go/extra'

        # List of directories containing templates defining blocks used to
        # override parts of builders/types/....
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/go/overrides'


  # …

    - java:
        # Root path for imports.
        # Required.
        package_path: ''

        # Disables runtime-related code generation.
        # Note: builders can NOT be generated with this flag turned on, as they
        # rely on the runtime to function.
        # Default: false
        skip_runtime: false

        # List of directories containing templates describing files to be added
        # to the generated output.
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/java/extra'

        # List of directories containing templates defining blocks used to
        # override parts of builders/types/....
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/java/overrides'

JSON Schema🔗

  # …

    - jsonschema:
        # Controls whether the generated JSON should be pretty printed or not.
        compact: false


  # …

    - openapi:
        # Controls whether the generated JSON should be pretty printed or not.
        compact: false


  # …

    - php:
        # Namespace root.
        # Required.
        namespace_root: 'Vendor\Package'

        # List of directories containing templates describing files to be added
        # to the generated output.
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/php/extra'

        # List of directories containing templates defining blocks used to
        # override parts of builders/types/....
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/php/overrides'


  # …

    - python:
        # Prefix to add to every generated file path.
        # Default: ''
        path_prefix: ''

        # Disables runtime-related code generation.
        # Note: builders can NOT be generated with this flag turned on, as they
        # rely on the runtime to function.
        # Default: false
        skip_runtime: false

        # List of directories containing templates describing files to be added
        # to the generated output.
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/python/extra'

        # List of directories containing templates defining blocks used to
        # override parts of builders/types/....
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/python/overrides'


  # …

    - typescript:
        # Prefix to add to every generated file path.
        # Default: 'src'
        path_prefix: 'src'

        # Disables runtime-related code generation.
        # Note: builders can NOT be generated with this flag turned on, as they
        # rely on the runtime to function.
        # Default: false
        skip_runtime: false

        # Disables the generation of `index.ts` files.
        # Default: false
        skip_index: false

        # Generates enums as a union of values instead of using an actual `enum`
        # declaration.
        # If enums_as_union_types is false, an enum will be generated as:
        # ```ts
        # enum Direction {
        #   Up = "up",
        #   Down = "down",
        #   Left = "left",
        #   Right = "right",
        # }
        # ```
        # If enums_as_union_types is true, the same enum will be generated as:
        # ```ts
        # type Direction = "up" | "down" | "left" | "right";
        # ```
        # Default: false
        enums_as_union_types: false

        # Associates package names to their import path.
        # Default: {}
            'common': '@org/common'

        # List of directories containing templates describing files to be added
        # to the generated output.
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/typescript/extra'

        # List of directories containing templates defining blocks used to
        # override parts of builders/types/....
          - '%__config_dir%/templates/typescript/overrides'


See "Applying schema transformations" and "Applying builder transformations".