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func NewNotificationSettingsBuilder() *NotificationSettingsBuilder



Builds the object.

func (builder *NotificationSettingsBuilder) Build() (NotificationSettings, error)


Override the labels by which incoming alerts are grouped together. For example, multiple alerts coming in for

cluster=A and alertname=LatencyHigh would be batched into a single group. To aggregate by all possible labels

use the special value '...' as the sole label name.

This effectively disables aggregation entirely, passing through all alerts as-is. This is unlikely to be what

you want, unless you have a very low alert volume or your upstream notification system performs its own grouping.

Must include 'alertname' and 'grafana_folder' if not using '...'.

func (builder *NotificationSettingsBuilder) GroupBy(groupBy []string) *NotificationSettingsBuilder


Override how long to wait before sending a notification about new alerts that are added to a group of alerts for

which an initial notification has already been sent. (Usually ~5m or more.)

func (builder *NotificationSettingsBuilder) GroupInterval(groupInterval string) *NotificationSettingsBuilder


Override how long to initially wait to send a notification for a group of alerts. Allows to wait for an

inhibiting alert to arrive or collect more initial alerts for the same group. (Usually ~0s to few minutes.)

func (builder *NotificationSettingsBuilder) GroupWait(groupWait string) *NotificationSettingsBuilder


Override the times when notifications should be muted. These must match the name of a mute time interval defined

in the alertmanager configuration mute_time_intervals section. When muted it will not send any notifications, but

otherwise acts normally.

func (builder *NotificationSettingsBuilder) MuteTimeIntervals(muteTimeIntervals []string) *NotificationSettingsBuilder


Name of the receiver to send notifications to.

func (builder *NotificationSettingsBuilder) Receiver(receiver string) *NotificationSettingsBuilder


Override how long to wait before sending a notification again if it has already been sent successfully for an

alert. (Usually ~3h or more).

Note that this parameter is implicitly bound by Alertmanager's --data.retention configuration flag.

Notifications will be resent after either repeat_interval or the data retention period have passed, whichever

occurs first. repeat_interval should not be less than group_interval.

func (builder *NotificationSettingsBuilder) RepeatInterval(repeatInterval string) *NotificationSettingsBuilder

See also🔗