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func NewCloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder() *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder



Builds the object.

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) Build() (variants.Dataquery, error)


The ID of the AWS account to query for the metric, specifying all will query all accounts that the monitoring account is permitted to query.

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) AccountId(accountId string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


Use this parameter to filter the results of the operation to only those alarms

that use a certain alarm action. For example, you could specify the ARN of

an SNS topic to find all alarms that send notifications to that topic.

e.g. arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my-app- would match arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my-app-action

but not match arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:your-app-action

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) ActionPrefix(actionPrefix string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


An alarm name prefix. If you specify this parameter, you receive information

about all alarms that have names that start with this prefix.

e.g. my-team-service- would match my-team-service-high-cpu but not match your-team-service-high-cpu

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) AlarmNamePrefix(alarmNamePrefix string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


For mixed data sources the selected datasource is on the query level.

For non mixed scenarios this is undefined.

TODO find a better way to do this ^ that's friendly to schema

TODO this shouldn't be unknown but DataSourceRef | null

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) Datasource(datasource dashboard.DataSourceRef) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


The dimensions of the metric

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) Dimensions(dimensions cloudwatch.Dimensions) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


If hide is set to true, Grafana will filter out the response(s) associated with this query before returning it to the panel.

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) Hide(hide bool) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


Only show metrics that exactly match all defined dimension names.

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) MatchExact(matchExact bool) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


Name of the metric

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) MetricName(metricName string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


A namespace is a container for CloudWatch metrics. Metrics in different namespaces are isolated from each other, so that metrics from different applications are not mistakenly aggregated into the same statistics. For example, Amazon EC2 uses the AWS/EC2 namespace.

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) Namespace(namespace string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


The length of time associated with a specific Amazon CloudWatch statistic. Can be specified by a number of seconds, 'auto', or as a duration string e.g. '15m' being 15 minutes

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) Period(period string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


Enable matching on the prefix of the action name or alarm name, specify the prefixes with actionPrefix and/or alarmNamePrefix

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) PrefixMatching(prefixMatching bool) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


Whether a query is a Metrics, Logs, or Annotations query

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) QueryMode(queryMode cloudwatch.CloudWatchQueryMode) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


Specify the query flavor

TODO make this required and give it a default

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) QueryType(queryType string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


A unique identifier for the query within the list of targets.

In server side expressions, the refId is used as a variable name to identify results.

By default, the UI will assign A->Z; however setting meaningful names may be useful.

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) RefId(refId string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


AWS region to query for the metric

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) Region(region string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


Metric data aggregations over specified periods of time. For detailed definitions of the statistics supported by CloudWatch, see

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) Statistic(statistic string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder


@deprecated use statistic

func (builder *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder) Statistics(statistics []string) *CloudWatchAnnotationQueryBuilder

See also🔗