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Field options for each field within a table (e.g 10, "The String", 64.20, etc.)

Generally defines alignment, filtering capabilties, display options, etc.


type TableFieldOptions struct {
    Width *float64 `json:"width,omitempty"`
    MinWidth *float64 `json:"minWidth,omitempty"`
    Align common.FieldTextAlignment `json:"align"`
    // This field is deprecated in favor of using cellOptions
    DisplayMode *common.TableCellDisplayMode `json:"displayMode,omitempty"`
    CellOptions *common.TableCellOptions `json:"cellOptions,omitempty"`
    // ?? default is missing or false ??
    Hidden *bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"`
    Inspect bool `json:"inspect"`
    Filterable *bool `json:"filterable,omitempty"`
    // Hides any header for a column, useful for columns that show some static content or buttons.
    HideHeader *bool `json:"hideHeader,omitempty"`



UnmarshalJSONStrict implements a custom JSON unmarshalling logic to decode TableFieldOptions from JSON.

Note: the unmarshalling done by this function is strict. It will fail over required fields being absent from the input, fields having an incorrect type, unexpected fields being present, …

func (tableFieldOptions *TableFieldOptions) UnmarshalJSONStrict(raw []byte) error


Equals tests the equality of two TableFieldOptions objects.

func (tableFieldOptions *TableFieldOptions) Equals(other TableFieldOptions) bool


Validate checks all the validation constraints that may be defined on TableFieldOptions fields for violations and returns them.

func (tableFieldOptions *TableFieldOptions) Validate() error

See also🔗