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type Dataquery struct {
    // Panel ID from wich the queries will be reused.
    PanelId uint32 `json:"panelId"`
    // A unique identifier for the query within the list of targets.
    // In server side expressions, the refId is used as a variable name to identify results.
    // By default, the UI will assign A->Z; however setting meaningful names may be useful.
    RefId string `json:"refId"`
    // If hide is set to true, Grafana will filter out the response(s) associated with this query before returning it to the panel.
    Hide *bool `json:"hide,omitempty"`
    // Specify the query flavor
    // TODO make this required and give it a default
    QueryType *string `json:"queryType,omitempty"`
    // For mixed data sources the selected datasource is on the query level.
    // For non mixed scenarios this is undefined.
    // TODO find a better way to do this ^ that's friendly to schema
    // TODO this shouldn't be unknown but DataSourceRef | null
    Datasource *dashboard.DataSourceRef `json:"datasource,omitempty"`



UnmarshalJSONStrict implements a custom JSON unmarshalling logic to decode Dataquery from JSON.

Note: the unmarshalling done by this function is strict. It will fail over required fields being absent from the input, fields having an incorrect type, unexpected fields being present, …

func (dataquery *Dataquery) UnmarshalJSONStrict(raw []byte) error


Equals tests the equality of two Dataquery objects.

func (dataquery *Dataquery) Equals(other Dataquery) bool


Validate checks all the validation constraints that may be defined on Dataquery fields for violations and returns them.

func (dataquery *Dataquery) Validate() error

See also🔗