TODO docs
FROM: AnnotationQuery in grafana-data/src/types/annotations.ts
class AnnotationQuery implements \JsonSerializable
* Name of annotation.
public string $name;
* Datasource where the annotations data is
public \Grafana\Foundation\Dashboard\DataSourceRef $datasource;
* When enabled the annotation query is issued with every dashboard refresh
public bool $enable;
* Annotation queries can be toggled on or off at the top of the dashboard.
* When hide is true, the toggle is not shown in the dashboard.
public ?bool $hide;
* Color to use for the annotation event markers
public string $iconColor;
* Filters to apply when fetching annotations
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Dashboard\AnnotationPanelFilter $filter;
* TODO.. this should just be a normal query target
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Dashboard\AnnotationTarget $target;
* TODO -- this should not exist here, it is based on the --grafana-- datasource
public ?string $type;
* Set to 1 for the standard annotation query all dashboards have by default.
public ?float $builtIn;
public ?string $expr;
Builds this object from an array.
This function is meant to be used with the return value of json_decode($json, true)
Returns the data representing this object, preparing it for JSON serialization with json_encode()