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Time picker configuration

It defines the default config for the time picker and the refresh picker for the specific dashboard.


class TimePickerConfig implements \JsonSerializable
     * Whether timepicker is visible or not.
    public ?bool $hidden;

     * Interval options available in the refresh picker dropdown.
     * @var array<string>|null
    public ?array $refreshIntervals;

     * Selectable options available in the time picker dropdown. Has no effect on provisioned dashboard.
     * @var array<string>|null
    public ?array $timeOptions;

     * Quick ranges for time picker.
     * @var array<\Grafana\Foundation\Dashboard\TimeOption>|null
    public ?array $quickRanges;

     * Override the now time by entering a time delay. Use this option to accommodate known delays in data aggregation to avoid null values.
    public ?string $nowDelay;




Builds this object from an array.

This function is meant to be used with the return value of json_decode($json, true).

static fromArray(array $inputData)


Returns the data representing this object, preparing it for JSON serialization with json_encode().


See also🔗