class Dataquery implements \JsonSerializable, \Grafana\Foundation\Cog\Dataquery
public ?string $alias;
* Used for live query
public ?string $channel;
public ?string $csvContent;
public ?string $csvFileName;
* @var array<\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\CSVWave>|null
public ?array $csvWave;
* The datasource
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Dashboard\DataSourceRef $datasource;
* Drop percentage (the chance we will lose a point 0-100)
public ?float $dropPercent;
* Possible enum values:
* - `"plugin"`
* - `"downstream"`
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\DataqueryErrorSource $errorSource;
* Possible enum values:
* - `"frontend_exception"`
* - `"frontend_observable"`
* - `"server_panic"`
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\DataqueryErrorType $errorType;
public ?bool $flamegraphDiff;
* true if query is disabled (ie should not be returned to the dashboard)
* NOTE: this does not always imply that the query should not be executed since
* the results from a hidden query may be used as the input to other queries (SSE etc)
public ?bool $hide;
* Interval is the suggested duration between time points in a time series query.
* NOTE: the values for intervalMs is not saved in the query model. It is typically calculated
* from the interval required to fill a pixels in the visualization
public ?float $intervalMs;
public ?string $labels;
public ?bool $levelColumn;
public ?int $lines;
public ?float $max;
* MaxDataPoints is the maximum number of data points that should be returned from a time series query.
* NOTE: the values for maxDataPoints is not saved in the query model. It is typically calculated
* from the number of pixels visible in a visualization
public ?int $maxDataPoints;
public ?float $min;
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\NodesQuery $nodes;
public ?float $noise;
* @var array<array<mixed>>|null
public ?array $points;
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\PulseWaveQuery $pulseWave;
* QueryType is an optional identifier for the type of query.
* It can be used to distinguish different types of queries.
public ?string $queryType;
public ?string $rawFrameContent;
* RefID is the unique identifier of the query, set by the frontend call.
public ?string $refId;
* Optionally define expected query result behavior
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\ResultAssertions $resultAssertions;
* Possible enum values:
* - `"annotations"`
* - `"arrow"`
* - `"csv_content"`
* - `"csv_file"`
* - `"csv_metric_values"`
* - `"datapoints_outside_range"`
* - `"error_with_source"`
* - `"exponential_heatmap_bucket_data"`
* - `"flame_graph"`
* - `"grafana_api"`
* - `"linear_heatmap_bucket_data"`
* - `"live"`
* - `"logs"`
* - `"manual_entry"`
* - `"no_data_points"`
* - `"node_graph"`
* - `"predictable_csv_wave"`
* - `"predictable_pulse"`
* - `"random_walk"`
* - `"random_walk_table"`
* - `"random_walk_with_error"`
* - `"raw_frame"`
* - `"server_error_500"`
* - `"simulation"`
* - `"slow_query"`
* - `"streaming_client"`
* - `"table_static"`
* - `"trace"`
* - `"usa"`
* - `"variables-query"`
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\DataqueryScenarioId $scenarioId;
public ?int $seriesCount;
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\SimulationQuery $sim;
public ?int $spanCount;
public ?float $spread;
public ?float $startValue;
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\StreamingQuery $stream;
* common parameter used by many query types
public ?string $stringInput;
* TimeRange represents the query range
* NOTE: unlike generic /ds/query, we can now send explicit time values in each query
* NOTE: the values for timeRange are not saved in a dashboard, they are constructed on the fly
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\TimeRange $timeRange;
public ?\Grafana\Foundation\Testdata\USAQuery $usa;
public ?bool $withNil;
Builds this object from an array.
This function is meant to be used with the return value of json_decode($json, true)
Returns the data representing this object, preparing it for JSON serialization with json_encode()
Returns the type of this dataquery object.