EmbeddedContactPoint is the contact point type that is used
by grafanas embedded alertmanager implementation.
class ContactPoint:
EmbeddedContactPoint is the contact point type that is used
by grafanas embedded alertmanager implementation.
disable_resolve_message: typing.Optional[bool]
# Name is used as grouping key in the UI. Contact points with the
# same name will be grouped in the UI.
name: typing.Optional[str]
provenance: typing.Optional[str]
settings: alerting.Json
type_val: typing.Literal["alertmanager", " dingding", " discord", " email", " googlechat", " kafka", " line", " opsgenie", " pagerduty", " pushover", " sensugo", " slack", " teams", " telegram", " threema", " victorops", " webhook", " wecom"]
# UID is the unique identifier of the contact point. The UID can be
# set by the user.
uid: typing.Optional[str]
Converts this object into a representation that can easily be encoded to JSON.
Builds this object from a JSON-decoded dict.