class Rule:
annotations: typing.Optional[dict[str, str]]
condition: str
data: list[alerting.Query]
exec_err_state: typing.Literal["OK", "Alerting", "Error"]
folder_uid: str
# The amount of time, in seconds, for which the rule must be breached for the rule to be considered to be Firing.
# Before this time has elapsed, the rule is only considered to be Pending.
for_val: str
id_val: typing.Optional[int]
is_paused: typing.Optional[bool]
labels: typing.Optional[dict[str, str]]
no_data_state: typing.Literal["Alerting", "NoData", "OK"]
notification_settings: typing.Optional[alerting.NotificationSettings]
org_id: int
provenance: typing.Optional[alerting.Provenance]
record: typing.Optional[alerting.RecordRule]
rule_group: str
title: str
uid: typing.Optional[str]
updated: typing.Optional[str]
Converts this object into a representation that can easily be encoded to JSON.
Builds this object from a JSON-decoded dict.