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Builds the object.

def build() -> dashboard.Panel


Sets panel queries cache timeout.

def cache_timeout(cache_timeout: str) -> typing.Self


Panel color configuration

def color_scheme(color: cogbuilder.Builder[dashboard.FieldColor]) -> typing.Self


custom is specified by the FieldConfig field

in panel plugin schemas.

def custom(custom: object) -> typing.Self

The behavior when clicking on a result

def data_links(links: list[cogbuilder.Builder[dashboard.DashboardLink]]) -> typing.Self


The datasource used in all targets.

def datasource(datasource: dashboard.DataSourceRef) -> typing.Self


Specify the number of decimals Grafana includes in the rendered value.

If you leave this field blank, Grafana automatically truncates the number of decimals based on the value.

For example 1.1234 will display as 1.12 and 100.456 will display as 100.

To display all decimals, set the unit to String.

def decimals(decimals: float) -> typing.Self


Defaults are the options applied to all fields.

def defaults(defaults: dashboard.FieldConfig) -> typing.Self


Panel description.

def description(description: str) -> typing.Self


The display value for this field. This supports template variables blank is auto

def display_name(display_name: str) -> typing.Self


Field options allow you to change how the data is displayed in your visualizations.

def field_config(field_config: dashboard.FieldConfigSource) -> typing.Self


Grid position.

def grid_pos(grid_pos: dashboard.GridPos) -> typing.Self


Panel height. The height is the number of rows from the top edge of the panel.

def height(h: int) -> typing.Self


Controls if the timeFrom or timeShift overrides are shown in the panel header

def hide_time_override(hide_time_override: bool) -> typing.Self


Unique identifier of the panel. Generated by Grafana when creating a new panel. It must be unique within a dashboard, but not globally.

def id_val(id_val: int) -> typing.Self


The min time interval setting defines a lower limit for the $__interval and $__interval_ms variables.

This value must be formatted as a number followed by a valid time

identifier like: "40s", "3d", etc.


def interval(interval: str) -> typing.Self


Dynamically load the panel

def library_panel(library_panel: dashboard.LibraryPanelRef) -> typing.Self

Panel links.

def links(links: list[cogbuilder.Builder[dashboard.DashboardLink]]) -> typing.Self


Convert input values into a display string

def mappings(mappings: list[dashboard.ValueMapping]) -> typing.Self


The maximum value used in percentage threshold calculations. Leave blank for auto calculation based on all series and fields.

def max_val(max_val: float) -> typing.Self


The maximum number of data points that the panel queries are retrieving.

def max_data_points(max_data_points: float) -> typing.Self


Option for repeated panels that controls max items per row

Only relevant for horizontally repeated panels

def max_per_row(max_per_row: float) -> typing.Self


The minimum value used in percentage threshold calculations. Leave blank for auto calculation based on all series and fields.

def min_val(min_val: float) -> typing.Self


Alternative to empty string

def no_value(no_value: str) -> typing.Self


It depends on the panel plugin. They are specified by the Options field in panel plugin schemas.

def options(options: object) -> typing.Self


Overrides are the options applied to specific fields overriding the defaults.

def overrides(overrides: list[cogbuilder.Builder[dashboard.DashboardFieldConfigSourceOverrides]]) -> typing.Self


The version of the plugin that is used for this panel. This is used to find the plugin to display the panel and to migrate old panel configs.

def plugin_version(plugin_version: str) -> typing.Self


Overrides the data source configured time-to-live for a query cache item in milliseconds

def query_caching_ttl(query_caching_ttl: float) -> typing.Self


Name of template variable to repeat for.

def repeat(repeat: str) -> typing.Self


Direction to repeat in if 'repeat' is set.

h for horizontal, v for vertical.

def repeat_direction(repeat_direction: typing.Literal["h", "v"]) -> typing.Self


Panel width. The width is the number of columns from the left edge of the panel.

def span(w: int) -> typing.Self


Depends on the panel plugin. See the plugin documentation for details.

def targets(targets: list[cogbuilder.Builder[cogvariants.Dataquery]]) -> typing.Self


Map numeric values to states

def thresholds(thresholds: cogbuilder.Builder[dashboard.ThresholdsConfig]) -> typing.Self


Overrides the relative time range for individual panels,

which causes them to be different than what is selected in

the dashboard time picker in the top-right corner of the dashboard. You can use this to show metrics from different

time periods or days on the same dashboard.

The value is formatted as time operation like: now-5m (Last 5 minutes), now/d (the day so far),

now-5d/d(Last 5 days), now/w (This week so far), now-2y/y (Last 2 years).

Note: Panel time overrides have no effect when the dashboard’s time range is absolute.


def time_from(time_from: str) -> typing.Self


Overrides the time range for individual panels by shifting its start and end relative to the time picker.

For example, you can shift the time range for the panel to be two hours earlier than the dashboard time picker setting 2h.

Note: Panel time overrides have no effect when the dashboard’s time range is absolute.


def time_shift(time_shift: str) -> typing.Self


Panel title.

def title(title: str) -> typing.Self


List of transformations that are applied to the panel data before rendering.

When there are multiple transformations, Grafana applies them in the order they are listed.

Each transformation creates a result set that then passes on to the next transformation in the processing pipeline.

def transformations(transformations: list[dashboard.DataTransformerConfig]) -> typing.Self


Whether to display the panel without a background.

def transparent(transparent: bool) -> typing.Self


The panel plugin type id. This is used to find the plugin to display the panel.

def type_val(type_val: str) -> typing.Self


Unit a field should use. The unit you select is applied to all fields except time.

You can use the units ID availables in Grafana or a custom unit.

Available units in Grafana:

As custom unit, you can use the following formats:

suffix:<suffix> for custom unit that should go after value.

prefix:<prefix> for custom unit that should go before value.

time:<format> For custom date time formats type for example time:YYYY-MM-DD.

si:<base scale><unit characters> for custom SI units. For example: si: mF. This one is a bit more advanced as you can specify both a unit and the source data scale. So if your source data is represented as milli (thousands of) something prefix the unit with that SI scale character.

count:<unit> for a custom count unit.

currency:<unit> for custom a currency unit.

def unit(unit: str) -> typing.Self


Overrides are the options applied to specific fields overriding the defaults.

def with_override(matcher: dashboard.MatcherConfig, properties: list[dashboard.DynamicConfigValue]) -> typing.Self


Depends on the panel plugin. See the plugin documentation for details.

def with_target(target: cogbuilder.Builder[cogvariants.Dataquery]) -> typing.Self


List of transformations that are applied to the panel data before rendering.

When there are multiple transformations, Grafana applies them in the order they are listed.

Each transformation creates a result set that then passes on to the next transformation in the processing pipeline.

def with_transformation(transformation: dashboard.DataTransformerConfig) -> typing.Self

See alsoπŸ”—