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Transformations allow to manipulate data returned by a query before the system applies a visualization.

Using transformations you can: rename fields, join time series data, perform mathematical operations across queries,

use the output of one transformation as the input to another transformation, etc.


class DataTransformerConfig:
    Transformations allow to manipulate data returned by a query before the system applies a visualization.
    Using transformations you can: rename fields, join time series data, perform mathematical operations across queries,
    use the output of one transformation as the input to another transformation, etc.

    # Unique identifier of transformer
    id_val: str
    # Disabled transformations are skipped
    disabled: typing.Optional[bool]
    # Optional frame matcher. When missing it will be applied to all results
    filter_val: typing.Optional[dashboard.MatcherConfig]
    # Where to pull DataFrames from as input to transformation
    topic: typing.Optional[typing.Literal["series", "annotations", "alertStates"]]
    # Options to be passed to the transformer
    # Valid options depend on the transformer id
    options: object



Converts this object into a representation that can easily be encoded to JSON.

def to_json() -> dict[str, object]


Builds this object from a JSON-decoded dict.

def from_json(data: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Self