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Supported value mapping types

value: Maps text values to a color or different display text and color. For example, you can configure a value mapping so that all instances of the value 10 appear as Perfection! rather than the number.

range: Maps numerical ranges to a display text and color. For example, if a value is within a certain range, you can configure a range value mapping to display Low or High rather than the number.

regex: Maps regular expressions to replacement text and a color. For example, if a value is, you can configure a regex value mapping so that Grafana displays www and truncates the domain.

special: Maps special values like Null, NaN (not a number), and boolean values like true and false to a display text and color. See SpecialValueMatch to see the list of special values. For example, you can configure a special value mapping so that null values appear as N/A.


class MappingType(enum.StrEnum):
    Supported value mapping types
    `value`: Maps text values to a color or different display text and color. For example, you can configure a value mapping so that all instances of the value 10 appear as Perfection! rather than the number.
    `range`: Maps numerical ranges to a display text and color. For example, if a value is within a certain range, you can configure a range value mapping to display Low or High rather than the number.
    `regex`: Maps regular expressions to replacement text and a color. For example, if a value is, you can configure a regex value mapping so that Grafana displays www and truncates the domain.
    `special`: Maps special values like Null, NaN (not a number), and boolean values like true and false to a display text and color. See SpecialValueMatch to see the list of special values. For example, you can configure a special value mapping so that null values appear as N/A.

    VALUE_TO_TEXT = "value"
    RANGE_TO_TEXT = "range"
    REGEX_TO_TEXT = "regex"
    SPECIAL_VALUE = "special"