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Maps special values like Null, NaN (not a number), and boolean values like true and false to a display text and color.

See SpecialValueMatch to see the list of special values.

For example, you can configure a special value mapping so that null values appear as N/A.


class SpecialValueMap:
    Maps special values like Null, NaN (not a number), and boolean values like true and false to a display text and color.
    See SpecialValueMatch to see the list of special values.
    For example, you can configure a special value mapping so that null values appear as N/A.

    type_val: typing.Literal["special"]
    options: dashboard.DashboardSpecialValueMapOptions



Converts this object into a representation that can easily be encoded to JSON.

def to_json() -> dict[str, object]


Builds this object from a JSON-decoded dict.

def from_json(data: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Self