export interface Rule {
annotations?: Record<string, string>;
condition: string;
data: alerting.Query[];
execErrState: "OK" | "Alerting" | "Error";
folderUID: string;
// The amount of time, in seconds, for which the rule must be breached for the rule to be considered to be Firing.
// Before this time has elapsed, the rule is only considered to be Pending.
for: string;
id?: number;
isPaused?: boolean;
labels?: Record<string, string>;
noDataState: "Alerting" | "NoData" | "OK";
notification_settings?: alerting.NotificationSettings;
orgID: number;
provenance?: alerting.Provenance;
record?: alerting.RecordRule;
ruleGroup: string;
title: string;
uid?: string;
updated?: string;
No methods.