export interface FieldConfig {
// Controls line width of the bars.
lineWidth?: number;
// Controls the fill opacity of the bars.
fillOpacity?: number;
// Set the mode of the gradient fill. Fill gradient is based on the line color. To change the color, use the standard color scheme field option.
// Gradient appearance is influenced by the Fill opacity setting.
gradientMode?: common.GraphGradientMode;
axisPlacement?: common.AxisPlacement;
axisColorMode?: common.AxisColorMode;
axisLabel?: string;
axisWidth?: number;
axisSoftMin?: number;
axisSoftMax?: number;
axisGridShow?: boolean;
scaleDistribution?: common.ScaleDistributionConfig;
axisCenteredZero?: boolean;
hideFrom?: common.HideSeriesConfig;
// Threshold rendering
thresholdsStyle?: common.GraphThresholdsStyleConfig;
axisBorderShow?: boolean;
No methods.