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Dashboard variable type

query: Query-generated list of values such as metric names, server names, sensor IDs, data centers, and so on.

adhoc: Key/value filters that are automatically added to all metric queries for a data source (Prometheus, Loki, InfluxDB, and Elasticsearch only).

constant: Define a hidden constant.

datasource: Quickly change the data source for an entire dashboard.

interval: Interval variables represent time spans.

textbox: Display a free text input field with an optional default value.

custom: Define the variable options manually using a comma-separated list.

system: Variables defined by Grafana. See:


export enum VariableType {
    Query = "query",
    Adhoc = "adhoc",
    Groupby = "groupby",
    Constant = "constant",
    Datasource = "datasource",
    Interval = "interval",
    Textbox = "textbox",
    Custom = "custom",
    System = "system",
    Snapshot = "snapshot",