Builds the object.
The datasource
Reference to single query result
true if query is disabled (ie should not be returned to the dashboard)
NOTE: this does not always imply that the query should not be executed since
the results from a hidden query may be used as the input to other queries (SSE etc)
Interval is the suggested duration between time points in a time series query.
NOTE: the values for intervalMs is not saved in the query model. It is typically calculated
from the interval required to fill a pixels in the visualization
MaxDataPoints is the maximum number of data points that should be returned from a time series query.
NOTE: the values for maxDataPoints is not saved in the query model. It is typically calculated
from the number of pixels visible in a visualization
QueryType is an optional identifier for the type of query.
It can be used to distinguish different types of queries.
The reducer
Possible enum values:
RefID is the unique identifier of the query, set by the frontend call.
Optionally define expected query result behavior
resultAssertions(resultAssertions: {
// Maximum frame count
maxFrames?: number;
// Type asserts that the frame matches a known type structure.
// Possible enum values:
// - `""`
// - `"timeseries-wide"`
// - `"timeseries-long"`
// - `"timeseries-many"`
// - `"timeseries-multi"`
// - `"directory-listing"`
// - `"table"`
// - `"numeric-wide"`
// - `"numeric-multi"`
// - `"numeric-long"`
// - `"log-lines"`
type?: "" | "timeseries-wide" | "timeseries-long" | "timeseries-many" | "timeseries-multi" | "directory-listing" | "table" | "numeric-wide" | "numeric-multi" | "numeric-long" | "log-lines";
// TypeVersion is the version of the Type property. Versions greater than 0.0 correspond to the dataplane
// contract documentation https://grafana.github.io/dataplane/contract/.
typeVersion: number[];
Reducer Options
settings(settings: {
// Non-number reduce behavior
// Possible enum values:
// - `"dropNN"` Drop non-numbers
// - `"replaceNN"` Replace non-numbers
mode: "dropNN" | "replaceNN";
// Only valid when mode is replace
replaceWithValue?: number;
TimeRange represents the query range
NOTE: unlike generic /ds/query, we can now send explicit time values in each query
NOTE: the values for timeRange are not saved in a dashboard, they are constructed on the fly
timeRange(timeRange: {
// From is the start time of the query.
from: string;
// To is the end time of the query.
to: string;