About Grafana-Operator


The Grafana-Operator was initially created by a number of RedHat employees as an internal project to manage there grafana instance. But the project was never supposed to be a part of a RedHat product and was made open-source with in an external github organization. And was mostly maintained by few people from the original team that created it.


Currently the operator is maintained by four people from different companies among other from RedHat. This is not part of any ones daily job and it's something that we do because we see an value in it for the community and we think that it's fun.


We hope that in the near future we will take on more maintainers especially after the big refactoring that we did for version 5. We think that the code will be easier to read and thus easier to get started with. One of our future plans is to give a way the project to some bigger organization that could help to host the project.