
Dashboard folders is a good way to manage your dashboards.

In a standard scenario, a folder with default settings gets created through a GrafanaDashboard CR. It either matches the Kubernetes namespace a dashboard exist in or spec.folder field of the CR.

If you need more control over folders (such as RBAC settings), it can be achieved through a GrafanaFolder CR.

NOTE: When the operator starts managing a folder, it changes the folder’s uid to metadata.uid of the respective GrafanaFolder CR. There’s no way to change that.

To view all configuration you can do within folders, look at our API documentation.

Folder with custom title

kind: GrafanaFolder
  name: test-folder
      dashboards: "grafana"
  # If title is not defined, the value will be taken from
  title: custom title

Folder with custom permissions

When permissions value is empty/absent, a folder is created with default permissions. In all other scenarios, a raw JSON is passed to Grafana API, and it’s up to Grafana to interpret it.

kind: GrafanaFolder
  name: test-folder
      dashboards: "grafana"
  permissions: |
      "items": [
          "role": "Admin",
          "permission": 4
          "role": "Editor",
          "permission": 2

NOTE: When an empty JSON is passed (permissions: "{}"), the access is stripped for everyone except for Admin (default Grafana behaviour).

Updating folder configuration

When updating a folder’s configuration, please do so via the GrafanaFolder CR. Any changes made directly to the folder in Grafana will be overwritten by the Grafana operator as per the configuration defined in the CR.

Fixing conflicts

Avoid changing the name of the folder directly in Grafana as this may result in conflicts as the operator attempts to reconcile it (see issues/1171). When this occurs, any subsequent updates will not occur, resulting in the rest of the folder configuration to not be updated to the correct state (i.e. permissions).

To resolve this, delete the folder in Grafana that matches the uid specified in the GrafanaFolder CR. This should allow the Grafana operator to update the remaining folder with the correct UID and permissions on the next reconcile.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before deleting the folder, please take care of moving any manually created dashboards out of it as the operator will not be able to recreate them.