Helm installation


grafana-operator for Kubernetes to manage Grafana instances and grafana resources.

Type: application AppVersion: v5.17.0


This is a OCI helm chart, helm started support OCI in version 3.8.0.

helm upgrade -i grafana-operator oci://ghcr.io/grafana/helm-charts/grafana-operator --version v5.17.0

Sadly helm OCI charts currently don’t support searching for available versions of a helm oci registry.

Using Terraform

To install the helm chart using terraform, make sure you use the right values for repository and name as shown below:

resource "helm_release" "grafana_kubernetes_operator" {
  name       = "grafana-operator"
  namespace  = "default"
  repository = "oci://ghcr.io/grafana/helm-charts"
  chart      = "grafana-operator"
  verify     = false
  version    = "v5.17.0"


Helm does not provide functionality to update custom resource definitions. This can result in the operator misbehaving when a release contains updates to the custom resource definitions. To avoid issues due to outdated or missing definitions, run the following command before updating an existing installation:

kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f https://github.com/grafana/grafana-operator/releases/download/v5.17.0/crds.yaml

The --server-side and --force-conflict flags are required to avoid running into issues with the kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration annotation. By using server side apply, this annotation is not considered. --force-conflict allows kubectl to modify fields previously managed by helm.


For general and helm specific development instructions please read the CONTRIBUTING.md

Out of scope

The chart won’t support any configuration of grafana instances or similar. It’s only meant to be used to install the grafana-operator. Deployments of grafana instances using the CRs is supposed to be done outside of the chart.

Currently the plan is not to support networkpolicy. The operators support os diverse configuration that you have to support all options. It’s easier to just manage this configuration outside of the operator.


additionalLabelsobject{}additional labels to add to all resources
affinityobject{}pod affinity
clusterDomainstring""Sets the CLUSTER_DOMAIN environment variable, it defines how internal Kubernetes services managed by the operator are addressed. By default, this is empty, and internal services are addressed without a cluster domain specified, i.e., a relative domain name that will resolve regardless of if a custom domain is configured for the cluster. If you wish to have services addressed using their FQDNs, you can specify the cluster domain explicitly, e.g., “cluster.local” for the default Kubernetes configuration.
dashboard.annotationsobject{}Annotations to add to the Grafana dashboard ConfigMap
dashboard.enabledboolfalseWhether to create a ConfigMap containing a dashboard monitoring the operator metrics. Consider enabling this if you are enabling the ServiceMonitor. Optionally, a GrafanaDashboard CR can be manually created pointing to the Grafana.com dashboard ID 22785 https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/22785-grafana-operator/ The Grafana.com dashboard is maintained by the community and does not necessarily match the JSON definition in this repository.
dashboard.labelsobject{}Labels to add to the Grafana dashboard ConfigMap
enforceCacheLabelsstring"off"Sets the ENFORCE_CACHE_LABELS environment variable, Enables the enforcment of cache labels, reducing memory usage significantly. Valid values are “off”,“safe” and “all”. When using safe mode, ConfigMaps and Secrets are excluded from caching. When using all mode, ConfigMaps and Secrets are cached and require the app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: grafana-operator label.
envlist[]Additional environment variables
extraObjectslist[]Array of extra K8s objects to deploy
fullnameOverridestring""Overrides the fully qualified app name.
image.pullPolicystring"IfNotPresent"The image pull policy to use in grafana operator container
image.repositorystring"ghcr.io/grafana/grafana-operator"grafana operator image repository
image.tagstring""Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecretslist[]image pull secrets
isOpenShiftboolfalseDetermines if the target cluster is OpenShift. Additional rbac permissions for routes will be added on OpenShift
leaderElectboolfalseIf you want to run multiple replicas of the grafana-operator, this is not recommended.
logging.encoderstring"console"Log encoding (“console”, “json”)
logging.levelstring"info"Configure the verbosity of logging (“debug”, “error”, “info”)
logging.timestring"rfc3339"Time encoding (“epoch”, “iso8601”, “millis”, “nano”, “rfc3339”, “rfc3339nano”)
metricsService.metricsPortint9090metrics service port
metricsService.pprofPortint8888port for the pprof profiling endpoint
metricsService.typestring"ClusterIP"metrics service type
nameOverridestring""Overrides the name of the chart.
namespaceOverridestring""Overrides the namespace name.
namespaceScopeboolfalseIf the operator should run in namespace-scope or not, if true the operator will only be able to manage instances in the same namespace
nodeSelectorobject{}pod node selector
podAnnotationsobject{}pod annotations
podLabelsobject{}pod labels
podSecurityContextobject{}pod security context
priorityClassNamestring""pod priority class name
rbac.createbooltrueSpecifies whether to create the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding. If “namespaceScope” is true or “watchNamespaces” is set, this will create Role and RoleBinding instead.
resourcesobject{}grafana operator container resources
securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalationboolfalseWhether to allow privilege escalation
securityContext.capabilitiesobject{"drop":["ALL"]}A list of capabilities to drop
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystembooltrueWhether to allow writing to the root filesystem
securityContext.runAsNonRootbooltrueWhether to require a container to run as a non-root user
serviceAccount.annotationsobject{}Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.createbooltrueSpecifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.namestring""The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceMonitor.additionalLabelsobject{}Set of labels to transfer from the Kubernetes Service onto the target
serviceMonitor.enabledboolfalseWhether to create a ServiceMonitor
serviceMonitor.intervalstring"1m"Set how frequently Prometheus should scrape
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelingslist[]MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion
serviceMonitor.relabelingslist[]Set relabel_configs as per https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#relabel_config
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeoutstring"10s"Set timeout for scrape
serviceMonitor.targetLabelslist[]Set of labels to transfer from the Kubernetes Service onto the target
serviceMonitor.telemetryPathstring"/metrics"Set path to metrics path
tolerationslist[]pod tolerations
watchLabelSelectorsstring""Sets the WATCH_LABEL_SELECTORS environment variable, it defines which CRs are watched according to their labels. By default, the operator watches all CRs. To make it watch only a subset of CRs, define the variable as a stringified label selector. See also: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ Beware: Always label Grafana CRs before enabling to ensure labels are inherited. # Existing Secrets/ConfigMaps referenced in CRs also need to be labeled to continue working.
watchNamespaceSelectorstring""Sets the WATCH_NAMESPACE_SELECTOR environment variable, it defines which namespaces the operator should be listening for based on a namespace label (e.g. "environment: dev"). By default, the operator watches all namespaces. To make it watch only its own namespace, check out namespaceScope option instead.
watchNamespacesstring""Sets the WATCH_NAMESPACE environment variable, it defines which namespaces the operator should be listening for (e.g. "grafana, foo"). By default, the operator watches all namespaces. To make it watch only its own namespace, check out namespaceScope option instead.