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Helper functions that work well with Grafonnet.



obj dashboard

fn dashboard.getOptionsForCustomQuery



  • query (string)

getOptionsForCustomQuery provides values for the options and current fields. These are required for template variables of type 'custom'but do not automatically get populated by Grafana when importing a dashboard from JSON.

This is a bit of a hack and should always be called on functions that set type on a template variable. Ideally Grafana populates these fields from the query value but this provides a backwards compatible solution.

obj grid

fn grid.makeGrid

grid.makeGrid(panels, panelWidth, panelHeight, startY)


  • panels (array)
  • panelWidth (number)
  • panelHeight (number)
  • startY (number)

makeGrid returns an array of panels organized in a grid with equal panelWidth and panelHeight. Row panels are used as "linebreaks", if a Row panel is collapsed, then all panels below it will be folded into the row.

This function will use the full grid of 24 columns, setting panelWidth to a value that can divide 24 into equal parts will fill up the page nicely. (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12) Other value for panelWidth will leave a gap on the far right.

Optional startY can be provided to place generated grid above or below existing panels.

fn grid.wrapPanels

grid.wrapPanels(panels, panelWidth, panelHeight, startY)


  • panels (array)
  • panelWidth (number)
  • panelHeight (number)
  • startY (number)

wrapPanels returns an array of panels organized in a grid, wrapping up to next 'row' if total width exceeds full grid of 24 columns. 'panelHeight' and 'panelWidth' are used unless panels already have height and width defined.

obj panel

fn panel.calculateLowestYforPanel

panel.calculateLowestYforPanel(panel, panels)


  • panel (object)
  • panels (array)

calculateLowestYforPanel calculates Y for a given panel from the gridPos of an array of panels. This function is used in normalizeY.

fn panel.getPanelIDs



  • panels (array)

getPanelIDs returns an array with all panel IDs including IDs from panels in rows.

fn panel.getPanelsBeforeNextRow



  • panels (array)

getPanelsBeforeNextRow returns all panels in an array up until a row has been found. Used in groupPanelsInRows.

fn panel.groupPanelsInRows



  • panels (array)

groupPanelsInRows ensures that panels that come after a row panel in an array are added to the row.panels attribute. This can be useful to apply intermediate functions to only the panels that belong to a row. Finally the panel array should get processed by resolveCollapsedFlagOnRows to "unfold" the rows that are not collapsed into the main array.

fn panel.mapToRows

panel.mapToRows(func, panels)


  • func (function)
  • panels (array)

mapToRows is a little helper function that applies func to all row panels in an array. Other panels in that array are returned ad verbatim.

fn panel.normalizeY



  • panels (array)

normalizeY applies negative gravity on the inverted Y axis. This mimics the behavior of Grafana: when a panel is created without panel above it, then it'll float upward.

This is strictly not required as Grafana will do this on dashboard load, however it might be helpful when used when calculating the correct gridPos.

fn panel.normalizeYInRow



  • rowPanel (object)

normalizeYInRow applies normalizeY to the panels in a row panel.

fn panel.resolveCollapsedFlagOnRows



  • panels (array)

resolveCollapsedFlagOnRows should be applied to the final panel array to "unfold" the rows that are not collapsed into the main array.

fn panel.sanitizePanel

panel.sanitizePanel(panel, defaultX=0, defaultY=0, defaultHeight=8, defaultWidth=8)


  • panel (object)
  • defaultX (number)
    • default value: 0
  • defaultY (number)
    • default value: 0
  • defaultHeight (number)
    • default value: 8
  • defaultWidth (number)
    • default value: 8

sanitizePanel ensures the panel has a valid gridPos and row panels have collapsed and panels. This function is recursively applied to panels inside row panels.

The default values for x,y,h,w are only applied if not already set.

fn panel.setPanelIDs

panel.setPanelIDs(panels, overrideExistingIDs=true)


  • panels (array)
  • overrideExistingIDs (bool)
    • default value: true

setPanelIDs ensures that all panels have a unique ID, this function is used in dashboard.withPanels and dashboard.withPanelsMixin to provide a consistent experience.

overrideExistingIDs can be set to not replace existing IDs, consider validating the IDs with validatePanelIDs() to ensure there are no duplicate IDs.

fn panel.sortPanelsByXY



  • panels (array)

sortPanelsByXY applies a simple sorting algorithm, first by x then again by y. This does not take width and height into account.

fn panel.sortPanelsInRow



  • rowPanel (object)

sortPanelsInRow applies sortPanelsByXY on the panels in a rowPanel.

fn panel.validatePanelIDs



  • panels (array)

validatePanelIDs validates returns false if there are duplicate panel IDs in panels.

obj string

fn string.slugify



  • string (string)

slugify will create a simple slug from string, keeping only alphanumeric characters and replacing spaces with dashes.