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Simple dashboard

This example shows a simple dashboard with a single panel displaying one query:

local g = import 'g.libsonnet';'Faro dashboard')
+ g.dashboard.withUid('faro-grafonnet-demo')
+ g.dashboard.withDescription('Dashboard for Faro')
+ g.dashboard.graphTooltip.withSharedCrosshair()
+ g.dashboard.withPanels(['Requests / sec')
  + g.panel.timeSeries.queryOptions.withTargets([
      'sum by (status_code) (rate(request_duration_seconds_count{job=~".*/faro-api"}[$__rate_interval]))',
  + g.panel.timeSeries.standardOptions.withUnit('reqps')
  + g.panel.timeSeries.gridPos.withW(24)
  + g.panel.timeSeries.gridPos.withH(8),

Note the g.libsonnet import at the top. The file contains the import reference to the actual version of Grafonnet being used, either latest or a more specific version. This makes the dashboard more portable. In this case the dashboard references grafonnet-latest:

import ''