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With behaviors you can implement custom scene logic that will be performed as a side effect. Behaviors are useful for performing side effects like conditionally hiding elements on a scene or attaching shared functionalities across scene objects.

Defining a behavior

Behaviors can be implemented in two ways:

  • As a pure function that gets called when its parent is activated.
  • As a scene object that is activated when its parent is activated.

Behaviors can be attached to scene objects using $behaviors state property. For example, you can attach behaviors to a SceneQueryRunner:

const queryRunner = new SceneQueryRunner({
$behaviors: [
/* list of behaviors */

datasource: {
type: 'prometheus',
uid: 'gdev-prometheus',
queries: [
refId: 'A',
range: true,
format: 'time_series',
expr: 'rate(prometheus_http_requests_total[5m])',

Behaviors as pure functions

Behaviors can be implemented as a stateless function that gets called when behavior parent is activated. This function can return a deactivation handler to be called when parent is deactivated.

Below you will find a simple stateless behavior that will log in the developer console when behavior's parent activates/deactivates or its state changes.

const StatelessLoggerBehavior = (parent: SceneObject) => {
console.log(`${parent.state.key} activated`);

parent.subscribeToState(() => {
console.log(`${parent.state.key} state changed`);

return () => {
console.log(`${parent.state.key} deactivated`);

Behaviors as scene objects

Implementing a behavior as a scene object is exactly the same as implementing a custom scene object. The example bellow illustrates an extended logger behavior from the previous example that will log in the developer console when a scene object activates/deactivates, and batch parent state updates logs based on provided configuration:

interface StatefulLoggerBehaviorState extends SceneObjectState {
// Size of the batch of state updates
batchStateUpdates: number;

class StatefulLoggerBehavior extends SceneObjectBase<StatefulLoggerBehaviorState> {
private _batchedStateUpdates: Array<SceneObjectState> = [];

constructor(state: Partial<StatefulLoggerBehaviorState>) {
batchStateUpdates: 5,

private _onActivate = () => {
const parent = this.parent;

if (!parent) {
throw new Error('LoggerBehavior must be attached to a parent object');

console.log(`StatefulLoggerBehavior: ${parent.state.key} activated`);

parent.subscribeToState(() => {

if (this._batchedStateUpdates.length === this.state.batchStateUpdates) {
console.log(`StatefulLoggerBehavior: ${parent.state.key} state changed batch`, this._batchedStateUpdates);
this._batchedStateUpdates = [];

return () => {
console.log(`StatefulLoggerBehavior: ${parent.state.key} deactivated`);

Built-in behaviors

Scenes library comes with the following, built-in behaviors:


Performs a side effect when a variable changes.


Assuming there is a variable named myVariable in a scene, you can configure side effect to be performed when it's value changes:

import { behaviors } from '@grafana/scenes';

const logWhenVariableChanges = new behaviors.ActWhenVariableChanged({
variableName: 'myVariable',
onChange: (variable) => {
console.log(`myVariable value changed: ${variable.state.value}`);


Creates a shared cursor scope for configuring cursor sync across multiple panels.


In the example below the CursorSync behavior is used to synchronise cursor across all panels in a scene:

import {
} from '@grafana/scenes';

const httpRequests = new SceneQueryRunner({
datasource: {
type: 'prometheus',
uid: 'gdev-prometheus',
queries: [
refId: 'A',
range: true,
format: 'time_series',
expr: 'rate(prometheus_http_requests_total[5m])',

const cpuUsage = new SceneQueryRunner({
datasource: {
type: 'prometheus',
uid: 'gdev-prometheus',
queries: [
refId: 'A',
expr: 'avg by (job, instance, mode) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total[5m]))',

const scene = new EmbeddedScene({
$timeRange: new SceneTimeRange({ from: 'now-5m', to: 'now' }),
$behaviors: [new behaviors.CursorSync({ key: 'cursor-sync-scope', sync: DashboardCursorSync.Tooltip })],
body: new SceneFlexLayout({
direction: 'row',
children: [
new SceneFlexItem({
width: '50%',
height: 300,
body: PanelBuilders.timeseries().setData(httpRequests).setTitle('HTTP Requests').build(),
new SceneFlexItem({
width: '50%',
height: 300,
body: PanelBuilders.timeseries()
.setTitle('CPU Usage')
.setTimeRange(new SceneTimeRange({ from: 'now-6h', to: 'now' }))

Source code

View the example source code